How many Christmas parties have you been to in the last week? How about shopping malls, grocery stores, and the ever-popular Wal-Mart?
I don't know about you, but I have lost count. As I write this, I am barely able to keep my eyes open but I am happy to say that I have experienced a lot of really wonderful things in the past few weeks. I have been frugal and have found some really fabulous finds but since my family reads my blog I can't share them all with you.
Since returning from Peru God has reminded me countless times just how blessed I am and this week was no different. My church sponsored several families for Christmas this year. It was so great to see how even in raising the money for the gifts others were blessed.
At a yard sale we had to raise money, a lady came and she was so excited because she found something for everyone on her Christmas list! Then, came the time to deliver the gifts to the families...exciting and heart-wrenching all at the same time. I have been blessed to meet 3 very wonderful families this week. Each one stole my heart (for lack of better words).
God has a way of really getting to your heart and soul. When I was younger we lived in apartments that my friends and I referred to as "the projects" because they were based on income. At the same time we were living there, my father was serving time in prison. Every year on Christmas Eve someone I did not know would bring me a present "from my father." Today the family we took gifts to lived in those same type apartments and the children have experienced having a parent not in the home. WOW! God knows the best way to allow you to give back.
As an adult, every year at Christmastime I have felt ashamed for receiving and buying so many gifts yet not doing anything (big) to help others. I am so honored to have been able to be a part of something that I know has pleased God. If you have always wanted to do something like this then I encourage you to partner with someone, you will not regret it.
Jesus, my most fabulous find, is celebrating his birthday and we are all invited to join in the celebration! I hope you have a blast!!
Merry Christmas!
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3 years ago
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