Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fabulous Find: Jonny's Diaz "More Beautiful You"

If you have listened to Christian radio any this week then it is highly likely that you have heard the new song by Jonny Diaz. It is titled "More Beautiful You" and it is absolutely an on-target song and proof the God does use the "foolish things to confound the wise."

Not that Jonny Diaz is foolish, but that as he states on his website (, and I quote:

"Need more proof that God is funny. Well, He chose me, a 26 year-old guy who admittedly knows nothing about females, to write a song that is impacting young (and not so young) girls all across the country. It’s crazy… and pretty funny. But, if it’s God’s plan, I’m ready to roll with it."

God does do the unexplainable when He wants something to be done.

This song is so true and so needed in the corrupt society that we live in that is constantly bombarding girls (and guys) with images of what they should look like or what the person they date should look like. God did mold and make each one of us. We were wonderfully made and therefore... there can never be a more beautiful you.

If you haven't heard the song then I encourage you to visit the link above and read the lyrics and watch the video of Jonny Diaz singing the song.


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