I want to tell all the local readers about a booklet of coupons at Publix, well a few booklets that should help you save some cash.
First, when you enter the lobby if you will look towards the doors on the left before you head into the actual store area you will find a display with $20 worth of coupons. These are ALL STORE COUPONS which means you can combine them with a manufacturer coupon for even greater savings. I don't think any of these items are on sale this week BUT they don't expire until 9/30/09. There is also an entry form in the booklet for the Heinz Toss 4 Cash.
UPDATE: There are several of the little red coupon machines on the frozen aisle with manufacturer coupons that match with some of these store coupons=FREE or ALMOST FREE!!
Second, as always there are small coupon booklets on the turn rack at the right side of the lobby where the sales papers are located. These usually have STORE coupons AND manufacturer coupons in them. Again, remember if it is a STORE COUPON it is smart to match it with a manufacturer coupon.
Third, I also picked-up a coupon booklet from DOVE this week. It is located on an end-cap (at the end of an aisle). There is a display of Dove products on the end-cap and in the middle is a booklet with several coupons in it. The display is somewhat across from the Floral department. I think these are all manufacturer coupons but check to see.
One other note, this wasn't a coupon booklet but I did see a coupon pad on the Greeting Card aisle for Buy One Card Get One Free.
Happy Shopping & Saving!!
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3 years ago
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