Sunday, February 8, 2009


A few months ago I was on a sweepstakes kick. You can read more about it HERE. I actually won something! Now, it wasn't huge but I DID WIN. I was playing a Chevron game. I only played it a few times compared to the daily plays I did on the other sweepstakes. Friday I opened my mailbox and found an envelope from Chevron. I felt a card from the outside of the envelope and I thought it was one of those credit card offers that they send you that has a replicated credit card, NOPE, it was a $5.00 gas card!!!!

Now, personally I thought that was SO COOL!! Yes, they gave away 84,700 of these cards, but hey at least I was ONE of those 84,700. Maybe eventually I will win one of those new washer and dryers that come in a variety of really awesome colors, or maid service for a year, or a few million never know unless you play. For now, I am just exuberant about my $5 gift card. THANKS CHEVRON!!


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