When you get some really good coupons there seems to be an urge to want to use them right away. However, if the coupons are for items that you don’t necessarily need yet then try to stick it out until an item goes on sale.
A few weeks ago I had 5 coupons for $1.00 off Huggies Bath and Body wash. I was already planning to purchase some baby bath products to make gift baskets for several ladies I know that are expecting. Well….I waited it out and wouldn’t you know…one Thursday morning I was looking over the new Publix ad and Huggies Bath and Body products were Buy One Get One Free!
So let me break down the savings for you:
Regular Price for 1 = $3.29
BOGO= 2 for $3.29 or 1st scanned $1.65 and 2nd scanned $1.64
Total before coupons = $8.23
Minus (5) $1.00 coupons = $3.23 plus tax = $3.81
$3.81 for 5 Huggies Bath and Body Wash
That’s like Buying One and Getting FOUR FREE!!
I had similar experiences this week with Hunt’s Ketchup for 48 cents, Peter Pan Peanut Butter for 98 cents, and Mentos gum for 49 cents!!
Unless you have coupons expiring soon or you really need an item then try to wait for a really good sale so you can get that same exciting feeling I get every time I discover a fabulous find.
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3 years ago
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